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Behringer RS-9 Eurorack 鼓音序器合成器

2022-4-29 11:08| 发布者: sem5| 查看: 494| 评论: 0

摘要: Behringer RS-9 Eurorack 鼓音序器基于 Behringer RD-9 的排序引擎并引入 Eurorack,Behringer 向我们展示了最新的 RS-9 原型并为我们提供了更新。Based on the sequencing engine of the Behringer RD-9 and pulled ...
Behringer RS-9 Eurorack 鼓音序器合成器 

基于 Behringer RD-9 的排序引擎并引入 Eurorack,Behringer 向我们展示了最新的 RS-9 原型并为我们提供了更新。
Based on the sequencing engine of the Behringer RD-9 and pulled into Eurorack, Behringer shows us the latest RS-9 prototype and gives us an update.

Behringer RS-9
We don’t like to jump at every Behringer prototype but the RS-9 looks pretty interesting. We first saw the idea floated back in November 2020. Now it looks like it’s going to become a reality. Behringer says that it still needs more time to finalise and test the module. The company has suggested a target price of $149.

The first thing to grasp is that the RS-9 is a drum sequencer, not a drum machine. It doesn’t contain any of the RD-9 drum voices. Consequently, you’ll have to plug it into other drum and percussion modules in order to get a sound.

Comparing the new photos with the original rendered image there have been a few changes. Mostly it seems like Behringer wanted to keep the buttons and functions the same as those used in the RD-9. That requires a little bit more space, so the branding has been relocated up to the top. A manual Trigger button has also been added.

Behringer RS-9

In terms of connections we have 10 trigger outputs with accompanying Accent outputs, Sync In/Out, MIDI In/Out on chunky 5-pin DIN and USB. There also appears to be a single CV input alongside a Reset input. Apparently, the buttons are not just for sequencing, you can also use them to trigger the channels manually.

On the whole, it’s looking pretty snazzy.

User input
The comments under the Facebook post are very complimentary and Behringer is invited feedback. Some people are saying that the RD-9 buttons can be a bit stiff and are hoping these are a bit lighter on the touch. Others suggest adding a channel or two of CV output for running basslines or giving it the ability to load samples. Probability per step is probably more achievable.









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