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HoRNet MultiFreqs: spectrum analyzer plug-in for up to 28 tracks at once

2021-5-3 12:39| 发布者: 5745300| 查看: 665| 评论: 0

摘要: HoRNet MultiFreqs: spectrum analyzer plug-in for up to 28 tracks at onceVirtually any type of metering under the sun can be added to your DAW these days, so it takes a bit extra to stand out in the fi ...
HoRNet MultiFreqs: spectrum analyzer plug-in for up to 28 tracks at once
Virtually any type of metering under the sun can be added to your DAW these days, so it takes a bit extra to stand out in the field. MultiFreqs by HoRNet plug-ins is born out of the developer’s traditional focus on usability and problem-solving. Instead of enough metering options to service a fighter jet, the plug-in offers two types of spectrum analyzers and puts up to 28 audio tracks on the graph at once. This way, hunting down frequency clashes between sounds and instruments becomes a breeze.

HoRNet MultiFreqs
The first visualizer is called “analog” and it takes on an analog hardware spectrum analyzer. The specific unit isn’t mentioned, but it’s an old studio piece which remains in action today. The second visualizer is called “digital” and it’s a typical FFT-based digital spectrum analyzer you’d find in digital audio.

Both types of visualization let you switch between peaks, average, and conflict metering modes. You can also change the range (in dB), integration times, and Mid/Side mode (stereo sum or difference). All that’s left to do is choose the audio tracks you want to visualize and toggle them on or off as needed. The plug-in reads the track names but you can change the labels inside it. You can also choose the color of each track and save/load presets.

Like most HoRNet plug-ins, MultiFreqs is a straightforward and reliable tool. This kind of uncomplicated multi-track metering really helps me balance things out in a session.

Price and availability
MultiFreqs is sold from the HoRNet website, priced EUR 15. A demo is not provided but an instant full refund is offered within 15 days when you purchase the plug-in but don’t like it. MultiFreqs runs under macOS 10.11 or later and Windows 7 or later in 64-bit AU, VST, VST3 and AAX formats. Note that only the VST3 and AAX formats can read the names of audio tracks.









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