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Circuit Happy ML:2, 2HP Ableton Link Clock Generator For Eurorack

2021-4-11 13:47| 发布者: arbitron| 查看: 577| 评论: 0

摘要: Circuit Happy ML:2, 2HP Ableton Link Clock Generator For EurorackSYNTH ANATOMY uses affiliation partner programs (big red buttons) to finance a part of the activity. If you use these, you support the ...
Circuit Happy ML:2, 2HP Ableton Link Clock Generator For Eurorack
SYNTH ANATOMY uses affiliation & partner programs (big red buttons) to finance a part of the activity. If you use these, you support the website. Thanks! 

Circuit Happy ML:2 is a 2HP clock generator module that infuses the Ableton Link sync technology into your Eurorack system and making it part of your Link jam setup.

Ableton Link is a technology that keeps devices in time over a local network. Link is now part of the feature set in every well-maintained music-making app for iOS / Android. Support in macOS /Windows applications is slow. In addition to Ableton Live, Reason, Bitwig Studio, Pro Tools, Maschine, Reaktor 6, Traktor Pro, to name a few who have it on board. DAWs like Logic Pro, Cubase Pro,… not yet which is a shame.

In hardware devices, progress is even slower. One can highlight here the upcoming T-1 sequencer from Torso Electronics which has implemented Ableton Link from day 1. However, this is the exception. Incomprehensible to me, as it is a technology that bridges the gap between hardware and software music tools, including powerful music-making & jam apps like Endlesss.

Circuit Happy ML2

With The Missing Link, the US-based company Circuit Happy showed a hub with which Ableton Link can be brought into the analog world in 2019. Now the journey continues. This idea is now available as a super-compact 2HP Eurorack module.

Circuit Happy ML:2
ML:2 is a 2HP module that brings the innovative Ableton Link synchronization to your Eurorack modular system. The module consists of a clock generator and a wifi chip. This connects to other Link-enabled devices and ensures that the clock generator is in sync. It has two configurable outputs that can generate triggers and gates in a variety of formats including clock triggers (1, 2, 4, 8, or 24 PPQN), clock, loop reset trigger, or gate. On the front panel, you have +/- buttons to adjust the tempo, and a tap tempo button.

It can be used as a classic clock generator module or as a CG with Ableton Link was very practical. The module can also synchronize with other Missing Link devices for wireless sync across your setup. No long cable runs to pass sync between your cases or desktop sequencers! This opens up the possibilities to jam with iOS/Android music apps, Ableton Live and any other device that supports this technology.

For example, you can use your iPad / iPhone as a drum machine and the modular for juicy analog basslines. Or use your Eurorack synth in sync with Tim Exile’s forward-looking Endlesss app and jam worldwide with friends. Every in sync and hassle-free. Due to the minimal 2HP panel design, there is a simple, browser-based interface for configuring the outputs and networking settings.

Circuit Happy ML2

Circuit Happy makes the dream of many modular people come true. Finally using Ableton Link with hardware. Yes, there is another module that does that, but ML: 2 looks more sophisticated and finished. I think for the asking price it will be a best-seller.

Circuit Happy ML:2 is available for $185 USD from the official website or retailers like Schneidersladen.









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