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[后期] Sundog Scale Studio 编曲辅助神器









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发表于 2022-8-13 | |阅读模式
5 q$ d  E* k1 J1 H$ b
Sundog Scale Studio 编曲辅助神器- r) o) [5 ]6 P' H: D
在您与兼容 MIDI 的乐手一起创作音乐的情况下,有其自身的特点,因此您可能会想与 MIDI 兼容的乐手和声,和谐共处的好机会。
- \  M- P$ V8 g& C
' \; U0 S8 V% b/ o" {; S0 HSundog Scale Studio 是一个应用程序,它可以帮助您演奏和弦和低音,这样您就可以摆脱drҽadҽr's bloc,找到适合您的听众的风格。
( [# L5 j& {8 q2 ]
/ n- {' x7 g% B; s( q实用性包括一种简单而新鲜的界面,结构合理,适合初学者或有技术门槛的人使用。虽然您可以访问该菜单并查看您在 GUI 的提高部分工作的声音,但较低的部分主要是为了向您的价值和参数提供声音,以便您尝试发现。$ Q% A( v# o+ P+ N; d

9 n  t( K6 E% V1 u/ Q' O& @* R* F再说一遍,如果您对周围有问题或不确定某些功能可以做什么,请不要通过点击位于界面右下角的图标来访问详细教程。1 q. e4 U+ b* i  B; z# w$ f: g

  T* ?0 X8 _. E该工具的亮点在于,您可以在应用程序中使用任何样式、notҽs、八度音程、乐器和和弦组合来满足您的要求。Nҽҽdlҽss 说这个程序包含一些选项,你可以在你的 DAW 中试用,前提是你有虚拟电缆来连接它。
% x7 [& k. v* t& d& F" G+ K" H3 E3 o9 R/ S/ _( i
最后,您应该知道,该程序使您能够将您的样本导出到一个 MIDI 文件,并包括所有通道或仅包含您当前使用的通道。如果没有,您只能将和弦乐曲导出到 MIDI 文件中。
( g1 `* b5 |  _" N# l8 y* `  _3 p; ]$ y$ c: X7 |
如果你正在寻找一个新的风格,但不确定是否添加一个新的乐器或改变八度音程可能不会激起你的艺术家,那么Sundog Scale Studio Crack可以助你一臂之力。
, i* ~% N: w3 E+ b6 |4 X8 l Sundog-Scale-Studio_1.webp (1).jpg & J1 z0 u, `1 v' G! E: Z

' L& H! j! a& T2 rSoo.. Sundog 如何为您提供帮助?
( S/ B5 N0 E+ BSundog 旨在与所有主要的 DAW 配合使用。所有音符输出都通过 MIDI 进行。只要您在 Sundog 和您的 DAW 之间设置一条虚拟 MIDI 电缆,您就可以开始使用了。
: {9 L/ `* [& E4 I! e+ C4 q' S4 Q' `8 k+ I$ d8 P3 H
但即使没有虚拟 MIDI 电缆,您也可以创建新的歌曲和乐句,因为 Sundog 包含自己的工厂音色集,包含 100 多种乐器。它可以将 MIDI 文件直接导出到其他程序。0 V+ o. c7 n9 H: k8 n2 x
5 Q  g7 y9 s) R% t" R/ i
您要做的第一件事是选择音阶和基音。例如,如果您想创作一首快乐的歌曲,请以 C 大调为例,如果您想写一首悲伤的民谣,请以 E 小调为例。只需选择一个音阶并弹奏一些音符。你会很快感觉到秤的情绪。
3 `. C( g2 W' J! ~+ z$ K
6 C- v3 m8 u) O在第二步中,您切换到特殊的和弦视图。您只需单击按钮即可收听和弦 – 它们都适合您选择的音阶!
( x& y& w& n, t" j, s& n. N一旦你找到了一些不错的和弦,你就可以创建一个和弦进行。这将是您歌曲的和声基础。
; a- O/ W2 v0 `+ M( C% H: }! L
: Q! l$ {$ n3 {  c' w, g  \回到主视图,真正的魔法开始了。您可以使用鼠标、MIDI 键盘或计算机键盘来创建新的旋律。您的所有输入都可以映射到音阶音符 – 非常适合潜在客户! – 或当前和弦音符。3 W: ]2 o+ \) j

- b' z! M7 Q+ Y3 o6 Q& d这样,您的旋律将始终听起来很和谐!现在,如果您返回和弦视图并更改一些和弦,您的所有旋律都会立即更新。* A2 S# Q; d  {7 B, n) F

3 Y& Z" y6 d8 A, o/ g
' R. r6 \5 P" K) q- r9 h
' G# n% L5 D( K/ J4 w" O+ IGet rid of writer’s block once and for all. Experiment with new scales, harmonies, and melodies easily. Use Sundog to play around with chords and basenotes like a breeze. Go from calm, smooth, chill out styles to energetic upbeat tunes in a matter of seconds. Promised.: c" |1 A/ Q! c3 ^+ \

9 O  ]) S$ ^9 C: qFour things that can make songwriting painful% ]/ ^" A0 s( N! k' B6 h
Every song needs a good harmonic base. Once you have the chords going, set up a bassline and added some nice background melodies you surely know whether it’s going to be great – or just meeeh.: O8 W$ e7 L- U+ f+ W, k

' ^8 p8 X$ L& l; tBut here’s the catch…
$ P' }  z! ^" m: ]1 eFinding that song core is like digging for gold. It’s a lot of work and oftentimes needlessly repetitive and annoying. Does the following sound familiar to you?
* \1 |8 h1 M& e) H
8 c/ m1 ]1 q3 I2 b+ g" d( V- D• You have all the instruments ready for a song, but cannot find good chord progressions.
& c8 D5 ]7 K$ C• You wrote all the chords and background melodies, but now want to try different chords with the same melodic patterns.
8 x8 b* C  P: I' \! n- b• You always fall back to the same keys and scales that you already know.
: j! w* E) x# ?1 U- M7 k- C• You know exactly how a melody / arpeggio / bassline should be structured and are annoyed by entering it note by note to match the chords.
, q9 J2 Z1 ]$ q3 i* m. w* N, C
) U( ]4 u3 a/ N/ eWouldn’t it be great if you could skip the stuff that holds you back to experiment more? I know for sure that this was true for me. This is why I sat down to write a software that could help me reduce the friction – and that boosted my songwriting in more ways than I thought was possible.$ ^( n' i, Y) ]) R

+ a- v3 A' H: k7 u+ {Soo.. how can Sundog assist you?% k4 _! d9 D; D- q: N) i1 l8 }' {
Sundog is designed to work with all major DAWs. All note output happens via MIDI. As long as you set up a virtual MIDI cable between Sundog and your DAW you are ready to go.
+ y. p0 X/ @+ N) ?) D' h; j1 Z. D/ e3 |1 w+ R9 g
But even without a virtual MIDI cable you can create new songs and phrases, as Sundog contains an own factory soundset with over 100 instruments. And it can export MIDI files directly to other programs.8 t7 \. Y1 K0 i: L
+ {8 \; t4 l* I4 w3 S6 O
The first thing you do is choosing a scale and a basenote. Take C Major for example if you want to compose a happy song, or E Minor if you write a sad ballad. Just choose a scale and play some notes. You will quickly get a feeling for the mood of the scale.
+ d8 ~: s2 z# q7 W9 v# Q9 b: s/ {
# g7 I! x" N3 r6 XIn a second step you switch over to a special chords view. You can listen to chords by just clicking buttons – and they will all fit your chosen scale!9 w0 R4 g( P. o; h& V1 a' z5 a
Once you have found some nice chords you can create a chord progression. This will be the harmonic base of your song.
6 p" q! m2 ~+ o4 Y* G" B* y" f" L* f- D' D; Z6 S2 y% W
Back in the main view the real magic starts. You can use your mouse, your MIDI keyboard, or your computer keyboard to create new melodies. All your input can either be mapped to scale notes – great for leads! – or to the current chord notes.1 \4 Z( n& n& T+ W; C
) F- D+ r' j! s9 L4 o* S
This way your melodies will always sound harmonic! Now if you go back to the chords view and change some chords all your melodies will get updated at once.
! i, @% G! u- m- N8 j
# a/ i+ N6 o# l" Q8 KWhat’s New:
6 ^$ k5 c+ H' z: q4 x- D, R0 b7 sofficial site does not provide any info about changes in this version.+ a4 B" D$ R) F1 n
https://hardcracked.com/program/sundog-scale-studio/32051- q8 ]3 W* ]7 E& C! ^( h) n
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