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FB-7999 emulates the single cycle digital waveforms of the Korg DW-6000/8000

2021-10-1 07:14| 发布者: 7598170| 查看: 449| 评论: 0

摘要: FB-7999 emulates the single cycle digital waveforms of the Korg DW-6000/8000Full Bucket Music FB-7999 · Source: Full Bucket MusicFrom Full Bucket Music comes a software emulation of a pair of Korg’s ...
FB-7999 emulates the single cycle digital waveforms of the Korg DW-6000/8000
Full Bucket Music FB-7999  ·  Source: Full Bucket Music

From Full Bucket Music comes a software emulation of a pair of Korg’s 1980s digital synthesizers, the DW-6000 and DW-8000. FB-7999 is just one digit away from nailing it.


The Korg DW-6000 and DW-8000 used the Digital Waveform Generator System (DWGS) as the basis of their sound generation. It consisted of 16 single-cycle digital waveforms that were played back via the two digital oscillators. These are then routed through an analogue filter and VCA before hitting some digital effects. Of course, the patch editing was a nightmare because this was a time when we believed editing on digit displays with data sliders and buttons was really very cool.

FB-7999 takes all that on by sampling a couple of these synthesizers to death and fleshing out the editing. Full Bucket Music has expanded the waveform palette by adding another 16 waveforms and pushed the polyphony up to 64 voices. The poly and unison modes are still there along with the digital delay. You’ll not find the arpeggiator from the DW-8000 and the filter emulation is not exactly on the money but it sounds really good.

Björn Arlt of Full Bucket Music goes into some detail about the emulation and how it compares to the hardware in the manual. He admits it’s not perfect but feels it’s close enough for him to give it the name 7999. He also mentions how he wanted to keep a bit of the 1980s in the interface which is why you still have to contend with data sliders and 2-digit displays but you can access each parameter much more easily.

Check out the demo video below to see what you think.

FB-7999 is available for macOS and Windows free of charge although donations are always appreciated.









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