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Dnipro Modular KRAIT: Knob recorder, LFO, Random on 3 channels

2021-8-28 10:13| 发布者: teneapp| 查看: 562| 评论: 0

摘要: KRAIT is a very cool looking modulation source with 3-channels that can output either random signals, LFOs or recorded knob movements.KRAITThis is very interesting. Simple, elegant, clean with a fabul ...
KRAIT is a very cool looking modulation source with 3-channels that can output either random signals, LFOs or recorded knob movements.

This is very interesting. Simple, elegant, clean with a fabulously vertical screen that gives it a distinctive vibe and looks like nothing else in your rack. It has an output for each channel, a clock input and reset input, a single knob and a couple of buttons and yet it can make itself very useful in only 6HP.

Krait is sync based and so needs a clock and then everything revolves around that.

In Knob Recorder mode it plots your knob twists directly onto that screen and can record up to 8 bars which then loops back on itself. In LFO mode you can morph between various waveforms and move the phase while dialling in multiples or divisions of the clock. In Random mode, the output is stepped until you dial in some slew. You can also grab a 16 step loop worth of randomness and put it on repeat. It can also function as a CV mixer by mixing the outputs of channels 1 and 3 to the output of channel 2.

That’s a good load of features in a striking module that’s going to be useful in any rack. Not much else to say about it but check out the very competent demo video below to get a sense of exactly how awesome Krait is.

Krait is available now for $230.









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