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KVR Developer Challenge 2021

2021-7-5 19:40| 发布者: 7057850| 查看: 610| 评论: 0

摘要: KVR Developer Challenge 2021KVRDC21 Prize Fund *$1,170.00Donate via PayPalPayPal LogoDonate with PayPal buttonOr you can donate via the KVR Developer Challenge 2021 GoFundMe page*Please note that the ...
KVR Developer Challenge 2021
KVRDC21 Prize Fund *

Donate via PayPal

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Donate with PayPal button 
Or you can donate via the KVR Developer Challenge 2021 GoFundMe page

Please note that the total is updated daily.

Downloads Are Now Available!
The KVR Developer Challenge 2021 has entered the download and voting stage - there are 37 entries available now, for free, for everyone.

Thanks to everyone who has entered (and donated - please continue to donate) - good luck to you all.

» Skip To The Downloads «

Welcome to the KVR Developer Challenge 2021, the eighth free-for-all audio plug-in / audio application / soundware design event.

The "KVR Developer Challenge" is for anyone who develops Audio Plug-ins or Applications and Soundware. The challenge is to create and release a brand new free audio plug-in, application or sound library / pack / set that will benefit the community at large.

Creativity is key, it can be as simple or as complex as you want - KVR members will vote on the entries and pick the eventual winner using whatever criteria they choose to.

Five cash prizes will be awarded to the top entries and a wildcard pick. Prize moneys are sponsored by the community-funded KVR Developer Challenge 2021 donation pool.

The KVR Developer Challenge began in 2006 and has occurred every 2-3 years ever since. It's delivered gems such as ProF.E.T. by Ignite Amps, Deducktion by Dead Duck Software and MPS by Full Bucket Music back in 2018, Youlean Loudness Meter, Lagrange by Ursa DSP and Spaceship Delay from Musical Entropy in 2016, Multiply by Acon Digital, Nova-67P by vladg/sound and Emissary by Ignite Amps in 2014, and so it goes on...

Check out 2012, 2009, 2007, and the original in 2006 when Triple Cheese by u-he won the show!









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