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[软件] Ableton Live 10.1.13 Win&Mac









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发表于 2020-5-7 | |阅读模式
/ U  w$ l" f8 J) C9 l% q
Ableton Live 10.1.13 Win&Mac) Y4 C2 m) V+ G  \

5 s2 U/ j5 A4 a+ n3 d4 B# bAbleton Live 是一款音乐制作软件, 允许用户以自然的方式作曲, 录音, remix(重混音), 即席创作和编辑自己的音乐构思. 可将声响, 电子和虚拟乐器及数字录音置于单一的界面中, 极其易用. 它使用户可以把全部精力集中到真正该关注的东西: 你自己的音乐上。3 ?5 r3 N! I8 n8 r  Y3 k# K

/ C% q" p' j  c3 [. V( a; bMAC 1.7 GB   WIN 1.95GB: m: r& X: n% ^' q! M6 m( u& |; v! N" x
( j( |$ S9 ]* A( ]8 h
Live是快速,流畅和灵活的软件,用于音乐创作和演奏。它带有效果,乐器,声音和各种创意功能-制作任何类型的音乐都需要。以传统的线性排列方式创建,或者在Live的“会话视图”中即兴创作,不受时间轴的限制。在音乐元素之间自由移动并发挥创意,而不会停止音乐,也不会中断您的流程。+ I* J6 M0 d* @  L

/ _' G3 D% X* D  Z! @$ h4 cAbleton Live Suite 10的新增功能:8 r9 w! U9 S8 P! l/ q* ]$ d$ [0 y/ d8 N
9 i' _2 w# n# G4 [
+ E9 w9 b. Q" c认识Wavetable,Echo,Drum Bus和Pedal:借助Live的乐器和效果,新设备可以带来丰富多彩的新声音。
" O- ]( P+ }$ F- K6 M) |! \# W9 o  }& N5 b3 i
7 f: J! J6 f5 z7 {% }4 S0 \您会发现Live的改进,无论您是想出主意,整理设置还是编辑音乐细节,都可以帮助您在创作过程的每个阶段保持顺畅。
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通过Push做更多# m& f7 m) E9 P  Y0 _
Live 10为Push带来了新功能和新的高分辨率可视化。现在,无论是构图,编辑MIDI还是对声音进行整形和混合,您在计算机上的时间都更少了。
: p" y4 [# Y2 a2 F% R' _
  U! G' m& C/ ?- F' `; l新的声音库+ K* }- k  r; d4 ~0 H/ k$ L+ z. |" {
有了新的Packs集合,Live 10可以立即使用,提供更多声音来准备完成音乐。设置它们的目的是为了适应您的需求或朝着不同的方向发展。此外,该库已进行了重组,以使查找所需内容变得更加容易。* E- S( [1 U8 y3 ?6 O. f

  O' m  o8 n& y/ X1 L* e3 a! H9 |直播最高-无限制,内置% k/ c: \( l4 w: p4 }7 d" w
Max技术现已完全集成到Live 10 Suite中。使用Max For Live设备创建和自定义Max For Live设备不需要其他下载或设置。他们只是工作。加上新的设备和功能,为音乐家和设备开发人员带来了更多的可能性。/ ]7 i( C8 @. ~

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) p% v7 `5 Y! _# G6 z/ w$ o* C0 vLive is fast, fluid and flexible software for music creation and performance. It comes with effects, instruments, sounds and all kinds of creative features—everything you need to make any kind of music. Create in a traditional linear arrangement, or improvise without the constraints of a timeline in Live’s Session View. Move freely between musical elements and play with ideas, without stopping the music and without breaking your flow.
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7 P8 I! g* G5 o1 ~' CWhat’s New in Ableton Live Suite 10:% [, j  V% e% C+ V8 g' ?

* q" q/ Z# y; s) {) m; OCreate with new devices
1 e$ B0 o/ I9 j0 s4 x( G2 O) \' HMeet Wavetable, Echo, Drum Buss and Pedal: new devices that mean colorful new sounds are possible with Live’s instruments and effects.
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$ @8 f8 g# r" j: TStay in the flow  `& p' _- x! m) _
You’ll find improvements to Live that help you stay in the flow at every stage of your creative process, whether you’re getting ideas down, organizing your setup or editing the details of your music.8 E  ~4 b! g' o) R4 T" s
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Do even more from Push. A% X. B5 k$ Y0 j( b) [  W( Q
Live 10 brings new functionality and new high-res visualizations to Push. Now you’ll spend even less time with the computer—whether you’re composing ideas, editing MIDI or shaping and mixing sounds.
# n- B; y3 e5 X3 ~2 i) D2 {
  a" u, Q  n; R% z6 X. |* XNew library of sound- g% ?6 N% \- {
With new collections of Packs, Live 10 has more sounds that are ready for finished music, right out of the box. They’re set up for tweaking to your needs or taking in different directions. Plus the library has been reorganized to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.+ p, w2 y7 ]* }
$ A+ v9 U) Y% f' V7 E- ]
Max for Live – no limits, built in
  i) X) z( K& s- \Max technology is now fully integrated into Live 10 Suite. No additional download or set up is required to create with and customize Max For Live devices. They just work. Plus new devices and capabilities bring more possibilities for musicians and device developers.
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