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Announcing Reason 12—straight from the horse's mouth

2021-5-18 08:52| 发布者: 9340600| 查看: 542| 评论: 0

摘要: Announcing Reason 12—straight from the horse's mouthThe next big step for Reason is coming this year. It's exciting in many ways so let me give you some details about what you can expect and what it ...
Announcing Reason 12—straight from the horse's mouth
The next big step for Reason is coming this year. It's exciting in many ways so let me give you some details about what you can expect and what it means for music makers everywhere. I'm happy and proud to announce Reason 12!

Reason 12 had one big goal in mind: level up the Rack experience. The Rack is really the core of what makes Reason unique and where a lot of sounds and music is made. We wanted to make that look and feel just right while making it even more immediate and powerful to make music with.

First and immediately obvious, we're making Reason high resolution. All your favorite devices will feel like you're seeing them for the first time, you can zoom Reason to fit your set-up, and all 3rd party Rack Extensions will be ready for hi-res on day one. That last one is pretty damn cool and a testament to the future-proof design of the RE technology.

Reason 12 also includes a brand new sampler. Sampling really is an integral part of music production and often the best way to add that magical "something-something" to your sound. This sampler goes way beyond what's available in Reason today. It's designed to quickly explore and play back sounds in interesting ways—be that from your collection of samples, something recorded on the fly, or even an export of the very track you're working on. There are loads of cool features in there, like our legendary time stretch and brand new ways to play your samples, and I can't wait to show you more soon.

With the new sampler and plethora of good-looking, great-sounding devices out there, we wanted to put the sound and workflow of the Reason Rack front and center. Enter: the Combinator. It's both one of the most powerful sound design tools anywhere in the world as well as the easiest, best way to find great patches and just make music. Updating the Combinator is also one of the most highly requested features of all times—from more CV inputs and controls to easier programming and more patches. We're making good on all of this!

The Combinator in Reason 12 is overhauled to be fully customizable, more powerful, and easier than ever to work with. With the wealth of devices available to power it, you can build Combinators that feel like new devices. Create a custom interface with the controls you want laid out how you like, add images, set up expressive macro controls, change the panel size, and more to make any patch your own.

But this is not just for the tinkerers. We're updating the sound bank in Reason to take advantage of the new Combinator and the Packs coming every week in Reason+ will be even more exciting and intuitive—ready to kickstart your ideas. To help you navigate all this content, we're also improving the Reason browser. Search is now blazing fast and your search results are categorized to easily find what you want. 

Reason has always been and will continue to be all about the fun, inspiring music you can make with a rack of great instruments, effects, and awesome sounds. Today Reason is used by more people than ever before, from being the centerpiece of your setup to the go-to plugin for new sounds, and I'm truly excited about what Reason 12 brings to the table. You can buy or upgrade to Reason 12 when it releases on September 1st and if you're a Reason+ subscriber you'll get the new stuff as soon as it's available.

We'll have more details to share with you during the coming months but until then, let's all make more music!









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